Python Essential Training
Master, Electrical Engineering (Oct 2015), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
Mohd Husaini Bin Mohd Fauzi is the co-founder of Syncmind Consulting & Services, a software consulting company, specialises in software development and customisation for manufacturing companies. Their client portfolio includes TDK Lambda Malaysia, University Technology Malaysia and others.
His expertise is in Linux Operating System, C/C++ Programming Language, Wireless Technology, Python, Computer Knowledge, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Linux Server Admin, Android Programming, Networking, PHP And MySQL.
Currently, he is pursuing his PhD in Electrical Engineering in UTM.
What you will learn
This course introduces the student to the Python language. On completion of this class the student should feel comfortable with writing Python programs. The course provides insight to the features of Python that make it an excellent choice for projects of virtually any size.
This course is designed for those already using Korn shell scripting, Perl, or C programming languages to manipulate files or control processes
This course requires participants to meet the following prerequisites:
• Introduction to Unix course or equivalent experience
• Recent programming experience
Course objectives
After completing this course, students will be able to:
• Write Python programs dealing with sequences and mappings, program flow control, system calls and file
Course outline
Module 1:
Python Background
• Why do people use Python?
• Is Python a scripting language?
• What can I do with Python?
• What are Python's technical strengths?
Module 3: Numbers
• Python program structure
• Why use built-in types?
• Numbers
• Python expression Operators
• Numbers in action
• The dynamic typing interlude
Module 5:
Lists and Dictionaries
• Lists
• Lists in action
• Dictionaries
• Dictionaries in action
• Using the Perspective Crop tool
Module 7:
Assignments, Expressions & Print
• Assignment statements
• Expression statements
• Print statements
Module 9: While And For Loops
• While loops
• Break, continue, pass, and the loop else
• For loops
• Loop variations
Module 11: Scopes and Arguments
• Scope rules
• The global statement
• Scopes and nested functions
• Passing arguments
• Special argument matching mode
Module 13: Coding Basics
• Module creation
• Module usage
• Module namespaces
• Reloading modules
Module 2:
How Python Runs Programs
• Introducing the Python interpreter
• Program execution
• Execution model variations
Module 4: Strings
• String literals
• Strings in action
• String formatting
• String methods
• General type categories
Module 6:
Tuples, Files & Everything Else
• Tuples, files
• Type categories revisited
• Object generality
• References versus copies
• Comparisons, equality, and truth
• Python's type hierarchies
• Other types in Python
• Built-in type gotchas
Module 8: If Tests
• If statements
• Python syntax rules
• Truth tests
Module 10: Function Basics
• Why use functions?
• Coding functions
• Definition & calls
• Intersecting sequences
Module 12: The Big Picture
• Why use modules?
• Python program architecture
• How imports work
Module 14: Packages
• Package import basics
• Package import example
• Why use package imports?
This program will be presented via interactive lecture and practical hands-on activities.
• 4 Days with 7.5 hours per day
• Time 09:00 - 17:30
• HRDF SBL Claimable
• Certificate of Attendance available
HRDF testimonial video
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